Large companies offer score tracking through a computerized system with no details or information as to why your scores are the way they are. The first week of each month Chaffin Credit Consulting will not only provide you with scoring but also your credit histories as well as personalized monthly tips to improve. You should always know what is going on with your credit. Stop guessing and wondering why your scores are changing; with CCC you will always know the answers to your questions.
O 6 Month Minimum Program – $120.00 Flat Rate
O 12 Month Program – $200.00 Flat Rate
If you don’t want to talk about your money concerns but do want to know what is going on without spending hours doing a line by line analysis of your bank statements each month; No problem. With our monthly monitoring program we can provide you with a breakdown of when and where your money is going and present you with condensed emailed reports for your review (these reports will be based on banking and financial statements with no credit card analyses). We can present you with monthly breakdown of living expenses, bill payments, and “luxury” spending. We will also monitor your credit history and scoring; you will be provided with a detailed analysis of how other’s see your financial lifestyle allowing you the comfort of knowing you can have what you need when you need it.
6 Month Program – $350 Flat Rate
12 Month Program – $600 Flat Rate